50 Funky Ways to Reuse Old Magazines

21 Shredded Bliss Wall or Art on Canvas

21. Shredded Bliss Wall or Art on Canvas: Originally published on my blog, decor8, on 1.16.07I found a fun and inexpensive DIY project in the Budget Living “Home Cheap Home”book last night (it’s amazing what you discover when you sort through your bookcase). I’ve flipped through it so many times and never came across page 139 until it nearly hit me in the face last night as it flew off the book shelf, landing with DIY project, Shredded Bliss, looking straight up at me. This is the coolest and cheapest project ever, and I’m imaging it’s a bit challenging and fun to boot. If you don’t have the… (via Curbly)

22 Origami Bows from Magazine Pages

22. Origami Bows from Magazine Pages (via How About Orange)

23 Recycled paper beads

23. Recycled paper beads: 1. Never watch ‘Bad Lieutenant: Port of call – New Orleans’. Ever. 2. Netflix is in serious need of new movies {see #1} 3. Beaded doorways are pretty awesome. Why did I never think of having them parted all the… (via Bohemian Hellhole)

24 Recycled magazine envelopes with notecards

24. Recycled magazine envelopes with notecards (via PopularDesigns)

25 Magazine Drywall

25. Magazine Drywall: Years ago while holidaying in London I was paging through a decor mag, in it they reviewed a book called Fast Decor: Creative Ideas for Instant Decorating by Annemarie Meintjes & (via curate this space)

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