50 Genius Mod Podge DIY Knock Off Projects

6 Doily Wall Art

6. Doily Wall Art: Doilies aren’t just for sitting on the table under a teacup – turn them into doily wall art using Mod Podge, scrapbook paper and canvases. (via Mod Podge Rocks)

7 Yellow and Turquoise Wooden Sunglasses Rack

7. Yellow and Turquoise Wooden Sunglasses Rack (via Madigan Made)

8 Bright, Colorful Mason Jars

8. Bright, Colorful Mason Jars: This simple tutorial can show you how to take a spaghetti jar from the trash can to on display as a gorgeous, bright and colorful focal point in your home’s decor! (via Mom Spark)

9 Heart Rocks

9. Heart Rocks: DIY Valentines crafts that are easy and sentimental — heart rocks. (via The Simple Parent)

10 Handmade Jewelry

10. Handmade Jewelry: So, Ive used Mod Podge before on a few different projects. but the last week or two, Ive fallen completely head over heels for Mod Podge. You seriously can do anything with this stuff. Dan’s rigged me up a daylight light in our bedroom (this happens to be where my craft corner is for now), {Read More…} (via Adventures of Mel)