50 Surprisingly Cool Hot Glue Project Tutorials

16 Hot Glue Pads for Your Stuffs

Hot Glue Pads for Your Stuffs16. Hot Glue Pads for Your Stuffs: If your box, phone, MP4 or other stuff is slipping make it more grippy using my pads! You can add the pads to everything! Try it! After you read this instructable visit my website HERE Comment it! Please Vote on me. (via kondzio29)

17 Rope Coaster

Rope Coaster17. Rope Coaster: do it yourself sisal coasters. an easy and inexpensive gift idea. (via the space between)

18 Make a Texture Roller for Clay

Make a Texture Roller for Clay18. Make a Texture Roller for Clay (via pottery blog)

19 Candy Dot Earrings

Candy Dot Earrings19. Candy Dot Earrings (via Minted Strawberry)

20 Decorative Coral

Decorative Coral20. Decorative Coral (via Ohoh Blog)

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