50 Trendy Copper DIY Project Ideas

46 Rustic Hand Stamped Copper Garden Markers

46. Rustic Hand Stamped Copper Garden Markers: Rustic Hand Stamped Copper Garden Markers That Will Jazz Up Your Garden. This week, while browsing the garden section at my local garden center, I came across a package of copper plant markers and decided to pick up a pack and make something cool with them. I mean really, what gardener couldn’t Continue reading (via Mavis Butterfield)

47 Copper Tin Can Planters

47. Copper Tin Can Planters: DIY Home Decorating and Crafts (via Homey Oh My!)

48 Vintage Copper Letter

48. Vintage Copper Letter: I love when I spot vintage letters and numbers at our local flea markets. I’m the worst at the game where you have a set amount of letters and have to make a word or phrase with what’s there, so I always make my husband spot any good word combinations (he’s addicted to Words With Friends and therefore an expert in my book). I was excited to find these cute… (via A Beautiful Mess)

49 Copper Edged Mirror

49. Copper Edged Mirror: This DIY Copper Edge Mirror is easier than you think and uses materials you wouldn’t expect. (via The Makers Society)

50 Copper Vanity Bowls

50. Copper Vanity Bowls: Easy to make DIY Copper Vanity Bowls. (via Freutcake)