50 Trendy Copper DIY Project Ideas

16 Copper Pipe Drawer Pulls

16. Copper Pipe Drawer Pulls: An old craigslist dresser gets a transformation that includes DIY copper pipe drawer pulls! UpcycledTreasures #DIY (via Mountain Modern)

17 Copper Tube Wall Organization

17. Copper Tube Wall Organization (via HemmaTrivsel)

18 Copper Skeleton Shade Light Fixture

18. Copper Skeleton Shade Light Fixture: When I got home from Home Depot a few days ago, Court was cleaning out the garage. I am obviously a hoarder of amazing things that look like garbage. He doesn’t have the vision and frequently thr… (via Vintage Revivals)

19 Copper Pine Magazine Rack

19. Copper Pine Magazine Rack: Magazine racks have become big business in my flat recently. Like most creative people I’m a self-confessed hoarder and I find it difficult to get rid of magazines, newspaper and supplements before I have read and digested (or dismissed) everything I want from them. Rather than storing them in piles until my memory of their contents (via Fall for DIY)

20 Copper Curtain Rod

20. Copper Curtain Rod: Your home for all things Design. Home Tours, DIY Project, City Guides, Shopping Guides, Before & Afters and much more (via Design Sponge)