50 Trendy Copper DIY Project Ideas

1 Copper Dipped Milk Glass Vases

1. Copper Dipped Milk Glass Vases: Ive had these vases on my to-make list since last October. Story of my life with getting things done, a day late a buck short. Ah well, so glad to have them done now. I had originally planned to … (via The Merry Thought)

2 Copper Coffee Table

2. Copper Coffee Table: It all started with getting a real sofa. And then I made a coffee table that wasn’t great, but we didn’t hang out on the sofa often so we didn’t really notice (via For Me, For You)

3 Copper Metallic Scarf Storage Ladder

3. Copper Metallic Scarf Storage Ladder: This is the easiest project ever.I swear. You will love it.Go to Home Depot and just snag up three wood dowels. (Go HERE to buy them online.) Hobby Lobby sells them too for about the same price. I like the ones that are about 4 feet tall, but they (via natalme)

4 Copper and Wood Paper Towel Holder

4. Copper and Wood Paper Towel Holder: a paper towel holder is always an afterthought for me. case in point – I’ve been wanting to DIY one for a year now. but the other day when i deep cleaned the kitchen for the first time in months, i… (via Almost Makes Perfect)

5 Lamp Makeover

5. Lamp Makeover (via IDA interior lifestyle)