35 Awesome Hacks for Fixing Ruined Clothes

6 Put Your Jeans in the Freezer to Remove Bad Odors

Put Your Jeans in the Freezer to Remove Bad Odors6. Put Your Jeans in the Freezer to Remove Bad Odors: You have a red wine stain on your shirt. Now what? (via Cosmopolitan)

7 Grease Stain Removal Tip

Grease Stain Removal Tip7. Grease Stain Removal Tip: Simple yet effective grease stain removal tip- save your favorite shirt from being tossed out using this easy tip from Budget101 (via Budget101.com)

8 How to Remove Coffee Stains from Silk

How to Remove Coffee Stains from Silk8. How to Remove Coffee Stains from Silk: Silk is made up of animal proteins, which are easily damaged by acid and grease. Always test a corner of the fabric before trying a new cleaning product. Even cleaners that are considered mild on cotton fabric may seriously damage silk…. (via wikiHow)

9 How to Fix a Pilled Sweater

How to Fix a Pilled Sweater9. How to Fix a Pilled Sweater: The best part about having a friend that you have known all your life, or is as close to you as a sister would be (if you had a sister), is that she can tell (via Beth Rosen)

10 Secrets to Patching Clothes

Secrets to Patching Clothes10. Secrets to Patching Clothes (via Design Mom)

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