40 Amazing Teepee DIY Projects For Kids

16 LoLo’s Teepee

16. LoLo’s Teepee (via LoLovie)

17 Fun Teepee

17. Fun Teepee (via Max & Me)

18 Bamboo Sticks Teepee

18. Bamboo Sticks Teepee: TeePee Tutorial by Erin Noie Photography What you need:5 poles – I used Bamboo sticks from Target. They come in packs of 3 and are clearanced right now (via Confessions of a Prop Junkie)

19 Old Drop Cloth Teepee

19. Old Drop Cloth Teepee: Its time to stop pinning (well, just press pause momentarily because lets be honest. my brain is pinning Jeremy’s hotness at all times). and its time to start doing. Thats what the Pinterest Challenge is all about In the past, I tackled a decor project (the herringbone shim… (via bowerpower)

20 Bed Sheets Teepee

20. Bed Sheets Teepee (via Gold Feathers)