40 Cheap and Brilliant Dollar Store DIY Project Ideas You Can Easily Make

16 Use wire easels to keep your laptop cool

Use wire easels to keep your laptop cool16. Use wire easels to keep your laptop cool: Even though there are a lot of great instructables about building laptop stands, they didn’t fit quite well with the kind of stand that I wanted. I w… (via Instructables)

17 Japanese Lantern

Japanese Lantern17. Japanese Lantern (via Dollar Store Crafts)

18 Nick-nack wall holders from ice cream scoops

Nick-nack wall holders from ice cream scoops18. Nick-nack wall holders from ice cream scoops (via Dollar Store Hack)

19 Egg Pendant Lamp

Egg Pendant Lamp19. Egg Pendant Lamp (via Dollar Store Crafts)

20 Easy Scarf Storage

Easy Scarf Storage20. Easy Scarf Storage (via Madigan Made)

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