40 Hacks To Make Washing Dishes Easier

26 Hate Washing Dishes? Try the “One Soapy Sponge” Trick

26. Hate Washing Dishes? Try the “One Soapy Sponge” Trick: Doing the dishes is my least favorite kitchen task, hands down. My reluctance to face them results in towering piles of plates and bowls more often that I’d like to admit. This is why I’ve instituted a “one soapy sponge” policy to help keep the chaos under control. (via The Kitchn)

27 Are dishwashers more efficient than hand-washing?

27. Are dishwashers more efficient than hand-washing?: WomansDay talked to two engineers who have spent decades testing dishwashers to find out how to use a dishwasher the right way. (via WomansDay)

28 Use mesh produce bags as pot scrubbers

28. Use mesh produce bags as pot scrubbers: They can really come in handy in the kitchen. (via Huff Post)

29 Keep Kitchen Sponges Dry And Mildew-Free

29. Keep Kitchen Sponges Dry And Mildew-Free (via churnopol)

30 Pour grease from pans into some used tin foil to cut down on the number of dirty dishes to scrub

30. Pour grease from pans into some used tin foil to cut down on the number of dirty dishes to scrub (via Nancy Cooke)