40 Hacks To Make Washing Dishes Easier

36 Super-Efficient Method of Hand Washing Dishes

36. Super-Efficient Method of Hand Washing Dishes: My super-efficient 7-step method of hand washing dishes is quick and easy, and it accomplishes the most amount of clean items in the least time. (via Smallish)

37 Wash Dishes with Minimal Water

37. Wash Dishes with Minimal Water: Growing up in a house with a dishwasher taught me nothing about how to wash dishes. By the time I was out on my own as a poor student, dishwashers were not apart of my vocabulary. So you’re asking yourself: What could be hard – you have a dirty dish, you wash it with soap and water and then dry it. Simple right? Wrong. Everyone has their own way to do it and no one ever shows you why they do it that way.When I lived in a camper van, we had the luxury of running water but it was a limited supply of cold fresh water. With this I had to learn how to do dishes more efficiently, without hot water and with minimal water wastage. This technique (minus the lack of hot water) is still what I use and find it saves time and effort overall. It is … (via peekabooo)

38 Burned Pots and Pans

38. Burned Pots and Pans (via Kitchen Chef Tips)

39 Dry Silverware by Hand

39. Dry Silverware by Hand: Follow these tips to ensure hand-washing your dishes is efficient and effective. (via Martha Stewart)

40 Skipping the Pre-Wash

40. Skipping the Pre-Wash: Thanksgiving WAS our favorite holiday…until it was time to clean up the scouring, the plate-scraping, the pre-washing. But then we saw this infographic that blew our minds: We make it harder than it needs to be. Here are some other secrets we learned that have literally changed how we do the dishes. (via The Kitchn)