45 Smart Ways to Repurpose Baby Items

31 Baby Gate to Drying Rack

31. Baby Gate to Drying Rack: Last week I talked about building my wall-mounted DIY clothes drying rack from a Freecycled baby play pen. Several readers expressed their concern that my rack as-built wouldn’t allow quite enough … (via Northwest Edible Life)

32 Beverage Stand from a Changing Table

32. Beverage Stand from a Changing Table: Since we are fixing up our backyard on a dime, I am re-purposing old stuff into new stuff. And saving A LOT. Not to mention how fun it is to stand back and see how far you have come, one thrifty DIY at a time. Here is what I did We have a patio table, (via twelveOeight)

33 Chalkboard Storage Tubs from Upcycled Wipes

33. Chalkboard Storage Tubs from Upcycled Wipes (via A Girl and Her Needle)

34 Crib Mattress Bulletin Board

34. Crib Mattress Bulletin Board: I’m so in love with these crib mattress bulletin board podgeable clips! They’re the perfect addition to my crib mattress turned bulletin board that I just finished. My cool cousin gave the crib mattress to Kristi, who then moved 3 hours north and forgot it. I took advantage and (via Lolly Jane)

35 Changing Table Turned Entertainment Stand

35. Changing Table Turned Entertainment Stand (via Crafty Texas Girl)