45 Smart Ways to Repurpose Baby Items

41 Playdough Holder

41. Playdough Holder (via LilyGene)

42 Recycle Baby Food Jars into Terrariums

42. Recycle Baby Food Jars into Terrariums: Save a few empty baby food jars (or any other small glass containers) and turn them into sweet little presents for friends! I made a chai-tea kit and a teeny-tiny terrarium with mine, but the possibilities are endless. (via Craft Stylish)

43 Paint and glue pots

43. Paint and glue pots: Last week we traveled to my sisters wedding. It was so beautiful. While traveling we used store bought baby food resulting in left over baby food jars. Naturally I wanted to reuse as many as possible. Here are some of the ways we are reusing baby food jars in our… (via How We Montessori)

44 Turn Crib to Easel Board

44. Turn Crib to Easel Board (via the red kitchen)

45 Kids’ Desk

45. Kids’ Desk (via A Little Learning for Two)