45 Totally Feasible and Free Ways To Organize Your Entire Home

11 Cereal Box Plastic Lid Holder

11. Cereal Box Plastic Lid Holder (via Unorganized Mommy)

12 Identify Power Cords

12. Identify Power Cords: Here are some great tips for saving money and saving time. Some you may have seen before, but I guarantee there will be a few you haven’t thought of… (via Home-Dzine)

13 Turn Old Credit Cards into Earbud Holder

13. Turn Old Credit Cards into Earbud Holder: Credit cards are a great way to spend money without thinking. Well, instead of spending money, use this clever little do-it-yourself trick to help you credit card save you some coin. Like the contact lens earbud case we showed you in the past, this will also help you keep your earbuds a little more organized and detangled. (via Apartment Therapy)

14 Craft Supply Holder and Sorter

14. Craft Supply Holder and Sorter (via Clutter-Free Classroom)

15 Recycled Cereal Box Magazine Holder

15. Recycled Cereal Box Magazine Holder (via Sew Many Ways)