50 Completely Awesome DIY Projects

21 Tissue Paper Wall Art

21. Tissue Paper Wall Art (via MR. Handsomeface)

22 Plastic Bottle Magnolia Brooches

22. Plastic Bottle Magnolia Brooches (via Lotta Magazine)

23 Cork Owls

23. Cork Owls: Adorable Cork Owls craft made with buttons, fabric scraps and a glue gun. (via Happy Hooligans)

24 Crochet Apple

24. Crochet Apple (via Down Grapevine Lane)

25 Mini Macaron Charms

25. Mini Macaron Charms: I’ve been so excited all weekend to share this tutorial with you. I’ve had to enforce some serious self-constraint to stop myself posting the whole tutorial over on Instagram. If you follow Fall For DIY or We Make Collective you might have seen a few teaser photos cropping up. I just couldn’t help myself! Now (via Fall for DIY)