30 Ingenious DIY Solutions to Hide Your Pet’s Litter Box

21 Upcycled Wine Case Litter Box

21. Upcycled Wine Case Litter Box: Have to share this for all you wine-loving cat owners out there: My co-worker Arnaud shows off his DIY solution of his cat’s litter box using a wooden wine crate… (via Apartment Therapy)

22 Upholstered Bench

22. Upholstered Bench: At MSLK no opportunity to design goes untouched so when faced with the challenge of how to add a cat box into the studio we drew some inspiration from the (via MSLK)

23 Litter Cabinet

23. Litter Cabinet: Let’s be honest, I am not much of a DIY pro. I have the ideas but always need help executing them. Luckily, I have the most crafty and resourceful friends on the planet. Enter C.C. and Harry…I cannot stand the sight of a litter box. It’s absolutely the worst thing about having cats. So, my (via Style Me Grasie)

24 Litter Boxes Ideas

24. Litter Boxes Ideas: Sara’s wheel away cat litter box Sara sent me her cat litter box constructed from 2 snack boxes. she flipped a smaller snack box on top a larger one. cut a hole for her large kitty to go through and attached the two boxes with hinges. should you want to paint it, do remember to paint (via IKEA Hackers)

25 Litter Box Furniture

25. Litter Box Furniture: I cant wait to share this DIY project with you because it is the most practical project we have ever done.I know not everyone is a cat lover, but if you do have a cat, this post is a must-r (via Alewood Furniture Co)