35 Awesome Secret Hiding Places to Stash Your Stuff

6 Door Top Stash

6. Door Top Stash: What does the top edge of say, your utility closet door look like? I’m betting that you’ve probably never seen it, even if you’ve lived in your home for awhile. And although there’s not a lot of room to hide stuff in there, well, if you’re like me, the stuff you want to hide is usually on the smaller side. Not many people think of the space inside the door as a hiding spot, but its right there in easy reaching distance when you need to get to it. And its devious enough that, yes, I think this trick will still be effective even after we blog it all over the tubes. (via Make)

7 Oversize Art

7. Oversize Art (via Mamamekko)

8 Floating Shelf with Secret Compartment

8. Floating Shelf with Secret Compartment: This shelf was inspired by the “lack” shelf you can buy at Ikea. I have many of them and really like how minimal they are, but since they are basically a box hanging on the wall i didn’t like the waste of “inner space”. So to solve that problem i incorporated a bottom that opens to reveal a small storage compartment. this entire project was made at the TechShop Detroit, check it out here http://techshop.ws/ to make this shelf you will need the following: tools: -chop saw -drill -screwdriver -hammer -chisel -pliers -sander materials: -wood (i used a 6’x12″ pine board) -2 cabinet hinges -wood glue -small finishing nails -1′ length small chain -4 screw in eyelets -magnetic cabinet latch -2 heavy duty keyhole picture hangers -paint of your choice(or leave wood finish) (via stephenjacklyn)

9 Picture Frame Hidden Storage

9. Picture Frame Hidden Storage (via JX:ATG)

10 Hidden Bookcase Storage

10. Hidden Bookcase Storage (via imgur)