50 Awesome DIY Projects You Can Do with Sharpie

26 Gold Sharpie Table Edging

26. Gold Sharpie Table Edging: This weekend was a bit of a busy one, preparing a major project for posting later this week (Instagram sneak peek here!). So I wanted to pick an easily manageable Pinterest project that would take twenty minutes or less and use supplies that I already had on hand. Enter this idea… (via Dream Green DIY)

27 Hand-drawn Gift Wrap

27. Hand-drawn Gift Wrap: Brown paper + silver pen = nice gift wrap! It’s easy, quick and un-squashable and the designs are really simple. If you are not that confident at (via Minieco)

28 The Sharpie Rug

28. The Sharpie Rug (via A Nest for All Seasons)

29 Galaxy Print Shoes

29. Galaxy Print Shoes (via Time for Tea)

30 Snakeskin Print Sharpie Shirt

30. Snakeskin Print Sharpie Shirt: Make a tank top from an old T-shirt & DIY a snakeskin print on it! (via …love Maegan)