50 Creative DIY Wall Art Projects for Your Home

46 Hex Nut Wall Art

46. Hex Nut Wall Art: makekind: creative diy projects from laura parke (via Design for Mankind)

47 Yarn Blocks Printing

47. Yarn Blocks Printing: Steph is the founder/managing editor of Modern Parents Messy Kids and mom to a 2 year old son and 1 year old daughter. She started MPMK as a resource for (via Whip Up)

48 Textured Wall Art

48. Textured Wall Art (via Blu Kat Kraft)

49 Glitter Chevron Canvas

49. Glitter Chevron Canvas (via John and Rachel)

50 Lip Print Wall Art

50. Lip Print Wall Art: The kiss is a symbol that’s as playful as it is romantic. We see its presence everywhere. From Dan Colens artwork to Erin Fetherstons current collection, a kiss will never go out of style. Now its… (via P.S. I Made This)