The 50 Cutest DIY Projects that ANYONE Will be Addicted to

26 Succulent Pineapple Planter

26. Succulent Pineapple Planter (via Line Across)

27 Colorblocked Scratching Post

27. Colorblocked Scratching Post: If you have a cat (or two!) and have ever roamed the pet store aisles looking for a good scratching post, then you probably already know about my personal anguish. Our cat Mac has taken to occasionally scratching on a few rugs and chairs that I would rather keep “unshredded”, so I thought we should get him a post so he can direct his scratching instinct in a more positive… (via A Beautiful Mess)

28 Hand Carved Stamps

28. Hand Carved Stamps (via Geninne’s Art Blog)

29 Apple Mason Jar

29. Apple Mason Jar: These DIY Apple Mason Jars are perfect for Teacher Appreciation Gifts. You can make them under 15 minutes and they are super cute for treats. These jars are really easy to put together and the kiddos can help to make them and get them ready in time for Back to School. We really love how they… (via The 36th Avenue)

30 Felt Cover for a Smart Phone or Tablet

30. Felt Cover for a Smart Phone or Tablet: The handmade gift experts at share step-by-step instructions for making custom felt cases to give to tech-savvy friends as a handmade holiday gift. (via HGTV)

1 comment

  1. The amazing info you share with us! Amazing Post, Thank you for sharing this post really this is awesome and very useful, Thank you.

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