50 Insanely Adorable DIY Sock Toys

31 Sock Bear

31. Sock Bear (via Zilverblauw)

32 Sock Snail

32. Sock Snail: What’s cuter than a homemade stuffed animal? I love making DIY stuffed animals because its almost as if the creature you create in your imagination actually comes to life!Ive made a few DIY animals in the past, like Ticknamo, the DIY Sock Continue reading (via Picklee)

33 Droopy Ear Bunny

33. Droopy Ear Bunny: Another sewing tutorial for sock bunny, the kawai-i droopy ear sock bunny by using a single sock. (via Craft Passion)

34 Sock Monkey and Friend

34. Sock Monkey and Friend: Sock monkeys are a classic and super adorable project. They are also simple to create and make great gifts. If you are making these as a gift for a young child remember to use child safe snaps instead of buttons, or no buttons at all (you could use a small piece of fabric or felt for the eyes). And once you’ve mastered the fine art of the sock monkey you… (via A Beautiful Mess)

35 DIY Sock Penguin

35. DIY Sock Penguin: When I found an old pair of rainbow striped socks, I knew I wanted to make a sock animal. I asked Jax what he would like, and wasn’t surprised to hear him request a penguin. They are his favorite a… (via Imagine Our Life)