50 Easy Home Improvements to Boost Value of Your Home

26 Install Crown Molding

Install Crown Molding26. Install Crown Molding: The addition of crown molding to your home’s interior is a tasteful way to add visual interest as well as value. See step-by-step instructions for installing crown molding from the experts at DIYNetwork (via DIY Network)

27 Paint the Entry Door

Paint the Entry Door27. Paint the Entry Door: I don’t know how I got struck with the urge to paint the inside of our front door black, but late one night while Pinterest-ing (which is pretty much what I do every night now that we cut the cord (via Haus of Gerz)

28 Fireplace Makeover

Fireplace Makeover28. Fireplace Makeover (via SwingMCocoa)

29 Paint Your Linoleum Floors

Paint Your Linoleum Floors29. Paint Your Linoleum Floors (via Lindsay and Drew)

30 Glass Window Shelves

Glass Window Shelves30. Glass Window Shelves: I love African violets! They can be fickle, but once they have the right amount of light, and slightly damp soil, they will happily put on a show for you. My violets used to perch on the kitchen window sill, but occasionally they would take a suicidal nose dive into the sink.To save them from (via Pretty Handy Girl)

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