50 Creative Pumpkin Crafts You Can Easily Make

31 Easy Scrap Ball Pumpkin

31. Easy Scrap Ball Pumpkin (via Woolnsails)

32 Thread Pumpkin

32. Thread Pumpkin: Greetings fellow crafter! With the changing of the leaves and all the fall decorations, I was inspired to create the following table top pumpkins. Materials Used: -Elmer’s Glue -Baby Powder -Petroleum Jelly -Water -Balloons -Tin loaf baking container -Yarn, string, or cross stitch floss (I used two shades of brown and an antique yellow, plus green for the stem) -Large “C” clamps (this will make sense later in the directions) (via ukeogh)

33 Styrofoam Pumpkins

33. Styrofoam Pumpkins: Make pretty pumpkins from styrofoam balls complete with branches and leaves for your Thanksgiving dinner table or for giving as gifts (via Dot Com Women)

34 Crackled Foam Pumpkin

34. Crackled Foam Pumpkin (via Creative Home Arts Club)

35 Polymer Clay Pumpkins

35. Polymer Clay Pumpkins (via CraftyGoat’s Notes)